welcome to Audrey Alison Astrology + Tarot

Monthly Horoscopes,TAROTscopes + astral advice

ARIES:   Ace of Coins - A new source of health and wealth is obtainable in December. Focus on the tangible and changeable. Move towards the new and do not look backward. You are an individual source of worth and value. You may not require partnership in business at this time. It is time to renogiate your individual worth within a company structure, as well. 

TAURUS:   4 of Coins - Stay grounded throughout the remaining weeks of December. Being frugal is your friend right now. Your security is the focus. Take your financial plans seriously while you revise, review and re-write your strategy for wealth, growth and stability.

GEMINI:  Page of Swords - The Gemini messener comes in quickly and rushes in where angels fear to tread. Watch your words and fix your face while your ruling planet is retrograde from 11/25 - 12/15.  Your expressions say everything, and perhaps too much before you've thought things through. Take your time in the remaining weeks of 2024. Jupiter is still coasting with you and expanding your opportunities until your solar return! 

CANCER:   Ten of Cups - Honeysuckle Rose, you are in your element throughout December. Stay close to the ones you love. Your emotional self is elated, filled with gratitude and blessed with love beyond belief. This is a time of closure in the remaining weeks of the year, opposite your zodiac sign. Family, happiness and marriage focus bring benefits to your month. 

LEO:  5 of Wands - Mars is very much with you throughout this month, retrograde or not, and fulfills the need to get moving, be creative, increase your libido, feel determination and sweat your lioness/lion mane out. Release the needs for arguement and aggression, although that is heightened and feiry within you. There is competition in your field, but no one rules their land quite like the lion. Feel empathy as opposed to gloating. 

VIRGO:  7 of Coins - Meticuous matters! You are in your element, Virgo! Happy Holidays to the sign who has the holiday carols on full blast! We love your cheer and your tarot card suggests major growth. The final weeks of December afford you reprieve to do what you love best. Entertain, host, organize and prep for 2025. Ask for what you are worth in all areas of life. 

LIBRA:  2 of Coins - Being fair is something you normally exel at. ,Libra! This time of year suggests you focus on shared resources and create order in these matters. Whatever is outstanding and requires finishing in business, property, financial and health matters is tended to by the end of this month of December. You did yourself a great service and favor by taking care of YOU. 

SCORPIO:  3 of Cups - Friendship, trust, generosity and respect are the them of December, Scorpio. You have a social outlet throughout the season. Family, friends, new organizations and members of your tribe of like-minded individuals are coming into play. You wind up the year with the urge to start fresh in a new community or group that sees your emotional self clearly. Trust the loving relationships in your life. 

SAGITTARIUS:   Wheel of Fortune - It may be time to take a rish and expand your vision, Sadge. Fate, divine timing, good fortune, luck and transformation are all a major indication when this card appears. This major arcana card represents the planet Jupiter, your ruling planet. Trust your instincts and the direction of your life. You know best. 

CAPRICORN:   8 of Coins - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You still wind up the year in hard thought of what's to come. Planning, strategy and revision of your current state and future financial outlook take presendence over playful matters, as much as you'd like to play. Become and own being the master of your skillset and trade. You are no longer the apprentice of anything. 

AQUARIUS:  The Lovers - These final 3 weeks of December interwine intimacy, love and decisions and wrap them up in a comfy blanket, Aquarius. You have work to do in January, but right now you are very side-tracked and preoccupied in your lust - as you should be! Decisions can come more easily after this Mercury retrograde from 11/25 -12/15, especially when it comes to relationships and dating. You have options entering into 2025. 

PISCES:   The Magician - Happy New Year to you, Pisces! You have quite the imagination wrapping up this year! Creativity, inspiration, manifestation and being the actor and action of your life is imminent. The Magician calls for action! Take these final three weeks of December to relfect, plan, revise, review and strategize. Create your stage of life effective January 1, 2025. You deserve all the Magic in the world. 

*For further astral guidance that is specifically honed in on your natal astrological chart and personal tarot cards, consider booking a private session with me. I work with clients consistently and globally. Thank you for choosing me for your guidance on the astral. -xxAA

*All writing, images, music and videos are property of Audrey Alison Astrology + Tarot.

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