welcome to Audrey Alison Astrology + Tarot

Monthly Horoscopes,TAROTscopes + astral advice

ARIES:  4 of Swords - Recuperative rest and retreat from what stresses you are necessary after this 10/2 New Moon solar eclipse in your 7th house of partnership, both business and personal. You have new beginnings ahead after some mild rest. Take it where you can. 

TAURUS:  The Magician - Creativity is your friend. Take time to connect with your innate talents and use your vast skillset. The New Moon solar eclipse on 10/2 in Libra, instigates a brand new regiment of self care, health and wellness for you, Taurus. Your 6th house of health and work has new beginnings over the course of 6 months. 

GEMINI:  The Hierophant - Time to study, learn, read and obtain counsel or therapuetic assistance during October. Your 5th house of true love, children and romance receives the energy of the New Moon solar eclipse on 10/2. This initiates a 6 month period of time when you can receive who is aligned with your self, inside and out. Do the work.

CANCER:  Page of Swords - Communicate as much as you can instead of withholding feelings. They must come out. During this eclipse cycle, they just might come out more effortlessly than you expect. After 10/2, express yourself. You receive new energy in your 4th house of home, family and environment. The desire to start fresh here is a possibiity. Planning a move? Leave the details to you. 

LEO:  King of Pentacles - You can master your environment and occupation this month, Leo. You receive the New Moon solar eclipse energy in your 3rd house of writing, expression and all things communication. Get to work on what you are personally editing in your life. It has prosperous rewards attached to its completion. 

VIRGO:  10 of Pentacles - Home is where the heart is. You have protection surrounding your environment. Your 2nd house of worth, wealth and value receives the energy of the 10/2 New Moon solar eclipse. Over the course of 6 months, you increase your worth and then some. Virgo is grounded in stability in October. 

LIBRA:  Ace of Pentacles - A new source of health and wealth arrives for you, Libra. Your very 1st house of physical self and body receives the catalyst energy of this New Moon solar eclipse on 10/2. Be prepared to shed some light on being lighter from the inside out. Healing work is indicated. Happy Solar return!

SCORPIO:  Judgement - It's almost Scorpio season! Can you feel the black wardrobe? It is a quiet time leading up to your celebration, Scorpio. You receive the 10/2 New Moon solar eclipse in your most quiet 12th sector of release, endings and intuition. You are in a clearing stage of getting rid of what is old in order to surround you with fresh new atmosphere by 10/22. De-clutter your life for your solar return! Please don't judge yourself too harshly.

SAGITTARIUS:  9 of Swords - Tension and stress are a part of life, however you should make certain you are getting enough rest. Sufficient REM sleep for you is necessary, Sadge. You run on a ton of energy. This New Moon solar eclipse hits your 11th house of goals and connections, so you should be ready for a heavy schedule filled with plans, parties and work related goals. Ease your mind with metaphysical or eastern treatments to calm you. 

CAPRICORN:  5 of Pentacles - You should remind yourself that you have enough and you ARE enough, Capricorn. There is no time for self doubt this month. The New Moon solar eclipse targets your 10th house of career. Where do you see yourself in career? Over these next 6 months, you will land your new gig and opportunity for higher success. You have to believe you can. 

AQUARIUS:  King of Wands - Be in control of your creative ideas and take action upon them. The New Moon solar eclipse in Libra stimulates your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education and exploration. It is time for Aquarius to get moving and don't take no for an answer. Be direct and assertive this month.

PISCES:  7 of Wands - Protect what is rightfully yours. There is no need to be defensive, however being somewhat guarded is perfectly normal this month. The New Moon solar eclipse occurs in your 8th house of shared resources, intimacy and secrecy. Try to avoid gossip. Invest in yourself and your future. With the smallest amount of money, you can start a strategy. Speak with financial planners, experts and advisors, regardless of how much you think you have or not have. You are worth planning for. 

*For further astral guidance that is specifically honed in on your natal astrological chart and personal tarot cards, consider booking a private session with me. I work with clients consistently and globally. Thank you for choosing me for your guidance on the astral. -xxAA

*All writing, images, music and videos are property of Audrey Alison Astrology + Tarot.

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